January has been an extremely busy month for us. Nathan has been busy playing volleyball, Amelia has been a red tornado and I have been busy with art stuff. The Museum installed a new exhibit which meant meetings and training for docents. Plus I've had to teach Art Masters at a local elementary. Which by the way, was on Alexander Calder an engineer and an artist. Could that be any more fitting for me? If you haven't seen his work, google him, its worth it.
We also celebrated my "golden" birthday. I turned 26 on the 26th. I wanted to do something special, and Nathan made it special. He made me a red velvet cake (from scratch, no less!) and he didn't mess it up! My grandparents were passing through and brought me a cake, and took us out to dinner. Two cakes? yes please. My cousin also stopped by on friday adding to the family fun. Just as she was leaving people started showing up. I thought it was just to say hi, nope, Nathan planned a surprise party with my friends and totally got me for the second time. He is sneaky!! My friend made an amazingly chocolate choco-holic cake. 3 CAKES!!! thats right, I am that cool. I also chopped off my hair and added some blue and purple to it to commemorate being 26.
For those of you that are wondering, we had a great Christmas. I did leave my purse at home which had my phone charger, camera and of course wallet in it. So Nathan had to do all of the driving. What a good sport. We went to Logan and spent time with my best friend Joanna and her family. I wish we had more time so we could have visited all of our Logan friends, but it just wasn't in the cards. We spent Christmas with my family, which was amazing. Christmas Eve we had everyone together, first time EVER for Christmas, and the first time since my mom's funeral. We even tried to visit some of Nathan's sisters but two of the three weren't home. At least we were able to see Suzanne and the kids. We also went over to my dad's and spent Christmas with him. Overall a very fun trip.
Amelia is doing great, we are loving the terrible 2's and the tantrums, NOT. She is very independent and stubborn, she got that from both Nathan and I. She LOVES to help out in the kitchen, play outside and watch Curious George. She has a Curious George stuffed monkey that tags along with her most of the time. She loves to wear our shoes and clothes, today she wore one of Nathan's shirts around most of the day. She thinks its hilarious to pretend to sleep, she even tries to snore but it just sounds like heavy breathing. Her favorite songs right now are: Popcorn Popping, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Head Shoulders Knees and Toes. She continues to bring laughter and delight into our lives, plus a little frustration (to be honest).
ONE MORE TIDBIT- Nathan wanted to trim Amelia's hair because it was in her eyes, so snip snip went the scissors and drive drive we went to a local salon to fix the hair cut. We had quite the laugh over it. For fun here are some photos, and for your pleasure they are out of order, thats right, we like to keep things interesting here.
Amelia in Nathan's T-shirt

Amelia's hair cut.

My haircut, there is blue and purple on both sides and in the back.
Super chocolate cake made by my friend. Recipe is on pintrest. SO YUMMY.
Super delicious red velvet cake made by Nathan, YUM.

Nathan's birthday cake. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATHAN.

Amelia's car car. Best christmas present ever, thanks grandpa Dave.

Christmas #2 at Grandpa Dave's.

Frosting sugar cookies. Amelia is the best cookie helper.