Amelia (2 weeks old)
Mommy and Amelia
She can pull the best faces!
Gassy smiles
Daddy daughter moment
Amelia getting ready to be swaddled
Amelia is three weeks old today and we can hardly believe how fast time has gone by. We are definitely experiencing the zombie-like status of parenthood. Amelia is such a mellow baby but we have had some reflux issues that we've been trying to figure out how to deal with. She has been gagging/choking when she spits up and it also comes out her nose. This can happen in the middle of the night, after feedings or pretty much anytime (in her bassinet, bouncy chair, get the point). Her pediatrician switched her formula and we've already seen some improvement- she's spit up a few times but is no longer choking on it. Now if we could just get it to come out of her bottles easier! Its a thicker formula so we widened the nipples from her bottles with sewing pins- its still is taking her forever to in progress I guess. So with her new formula and a new bassinet (its designed for babies with reflux issues-if anyone wants more details let me know-its gotten rave reviews!) we are crossing our fingers that the choking issues are behind us. So far things are looking promising.
Here are some fun little things we've learned about Amelia so far:
1. She loves to snuggle (one of her fav spots is lying on her tummy on your chest so she can snuggle into your neck).
2. She likes to be swaddled but only if you let her arms be free.
3. Her arms must be free so she can have them by her face (and she usually does at all times).
4. She snorts and grunts.... (more snorting then grunting).
5. She is ticklish on her feet and under her chin.
6. She HATES to have a wet diaper- even if its barely wet, she will cry until its changed.
7. She has a love/hate relationship with her paci depending on the day.
8. She currently does not like to wear a hat- this changes on a daily basis.
9. She loves to just be in her diaper and have some "naked time".
10. She gets the hiccups at least twice a day-sometimes more sometimes less.
I am so grateful for Nathan's help. The first few nights after he went back to work I was getting up with Amelia so that he wouldn't be so tired for work, but he decided that wasn't okay. Knowing that I try to sleep during the day when she does but I usually can't (momma who is a light sleeper + noisy sleeping baby = no sleep for momma) he offered to help out during the night so that I could snag a couple of hours of rest. BEST HUSBAND EVER! So Nathan currently takes the first half the night and I take the second which means we are both zombies- but loving every minute of it!