Amelia is two months old and we can hardly believe it! Here are her current stats: Weight 11.57 lbs (66%), Length 22.44 in (48%)- this one is hilarious because Nathan and I are so tall you'd figure our baby would be a giant! and head circumference 16.2 in (94%). Thats right our little girl has a huge head! Then again, all babies look like their heads are massive in comparison to their bodies.
Her hair is still very much strawberry blonde and looks very red in the sun- we love it! She has also discovered she can suck on her hands this past week and she sucks on them constantly- which makes a big slobbery mess that I'm always cleaning up. Also her latest trick is whining- I can't believe my two month old baby can whine but she sure can! We call it the "Aye Aye Aye's" she does it when she's not happy but before she goes into a full blown cry- its really makes us smile and laugh. I put a video of it at the end of this post so enjoy!
This is what happens when Daddy is left alone to play with Amelia.
Can you find her?

I had to post a photo of our pantry- we went to Target and they had Amelia's formula on sale (like REALLY on sale) so we stocked up. Then her pediatrician gave us 3 free cans!!!!

Amelia in her Bumbo- she only sits in it for a few minutes because she doesn't have full head control yet

Amelia's first shots

her two month photo

What better way to celebrate being two months? by having Aunt Diane and Uncle Paul stop by!
Last but not least- a video of Amelia's "aye aye aye"whine
(at 44 seconds is where you can hear it really good).